
www.Kvirispalitra.ge-Internet version of the weekly 'newspaper “Kviris Palitra”, since 2005.
 New Internet version of the weekly 'newspaper “Kviris Palitra”  was created  in August 2009, which provides not only Newspaper articles published in its edition, but creates independent Content, which steadily gains new readers and visitors.
 By April 2011  web-site had around 350 thousand visitors a month, including world's 109 countries (According to Google analytics - Data).

Georgia - 280000 visitors; USA - 13000;
Russia - 8500, Germany -  6600, Greece - 4500;
Spain – 3000; Italy - 3000; Britain -
2600, etc.
Despite the quick Growth of  Internet version audience, the circulation of the weekly is not

Gender: male 53%
Female 47%
Age: 20-35 years old - 40%
35 - 50 years - 31%
Employed - 62%
The Number of Unique visitors Per day on average -11000-12000 
Google / analytics - the data.


Please see our website